Saturday, May 25, 2013

Playing Catch Up

So this title says it's all. I'm playing catch up. I've been extremely busy with work. I will be so glad when it's August and works slows down a little. 

I feel like I live  at work now days. I've been working long days 10-12 hours, 5 days a weeks. Not to mention coming  in on Saturday or Sunday for 4-5 hours to catch up. I REALLY need a vacation! I don't want to complain too much because I'm thankful to have a job, but it's a lot right now! My house has been unusually messy because I don't have time to clean it like I normally do, and when I get home all I want to do is relax

My free time is spent now catching up! It's a little frustrating feeling behind on everything in my life! I work HARD and try to do everything possible to stay ahead then BAM I get totally slammed with work. I got to work at 6:30 Friday so I could   make sure I didn't have to work at all over the long weekend. Well surprise everyone in their mother decided to call me, one client gave me his application for renewal at 10:00am and it expired Saturday (our office isn't open on weekends). Keep in mind we send the apps out 90 days in advance and call and remind them we need their application at least 6 times on top of e-mails. We tell them we need the application back at least 30 days before expiration of the policy so we have time to quote. 

So you can imagine my frustration. On top of being extremely busy I now had to rush to find this client a quote that he liked with no time! I finally found him an agreeable price then,  I had to wait on him to send the signed order forms and payment so I could bind coverage before I left. They came in about 30 mins after we closed. Oh and he was a talker! He talked and talked to me. And I really just wanted to say "sir please stop bothering me because I can't work on anything because you keep calling me"! At the end of the day he was grateful but I really wanted to pull my hair out. 

I've been extremely frustrated and irritable because I can't sleep good because I stress about forgetting to do something, or forgetting to call someone back. Then you always have that unhappy client that just likes to make your day miserable. I have to deal with some of the most annoying people and I always have to be nice, friendly, and professional. It's a challenge. Lol The clients that are nice and grateful are the ones that get me through it, oh and a pay check helps too. 

On top of this I had a slight set back. I had a bad day and I bought ice cream. It's was delicious! It was the new Blue Bell Italian Cream cake. I was doing good about not turning to food when I'm stressed but It's close to that time of the month. If you know what I mean so I over indulged. :( Tomorrow is a new day!

 But I'm not gonna beat myself up too much. I'm still doing good. I've lost 51.9 pounds since I started my weightloss journey. I've lost weight during my busy season and without having much time to exercise. So I will take it! 

Oh and I have a little before and after picture for you. The picture on the left was a year ago over Memorial Day weekend and the picture on right was Tuesday in my new Mandy Maxi in Mint from my favorite online boutique Do yourself a favor check the website out! And this weekend only free shipping if you use the coupon code below. Your welcome! Be sure to follow them on Instagram & Facebook! They are always having contests and sharing coupon codes! 

I hope you have a great Saturday, if you are here in San Antonio stay away from 281! It's flooded. Even my parents pool almost over flowed!

Have a fabulous Memorial Day! 



Saturday, April 27, 2013

Social Butterfly

Well it's been about a week since my last post. I warned y'all I'm busy right now. Lol

I'm still not doing too awesome with balancing work and working out. Pray for me because I really really want to do better. This week has just been busy. Socially and work wise.

Monday I stayed late (at work) because I knew it would been one of the few nights I could. I stayed till about 7, then got home ate dinner with the hubby and we worked out. So far we have been really consistent with working out on Mondays. We did upper body but we tweaked the workout so it wasn't quite as long. I'm still learning what weights work for me. I'm kinda scared to go heavy because I struggle during the workout but if I don't feel sore I feel it was all for nothing so I will be increasing all my weights next week. We also ran for 15 mins but I want to increase that to at LEAST 20 mins. I still have 25-30 lbs till I'm at my goal so I need to step up the cardio.

Tuesday I was only able to stay until 6 because I had dinner plans with my friend Nadia. I'm so excited because she is moving to San Antonio. We have been friends for a few years but never lived in the same city so I'm super excited! It's just awesome when you have a friend that just gets you. I have a few girlfriends like this. We can go a year without seeing each other but as soon as we hang we just pick up where we left off. It's rare to find that and I'm so glad to have her moving to San Antonio with her family. So we went to Chuy's per her request then spent the rest of the night catching up.

Wednesday I stayed at work until 6 but that was the longest I could because we had people coming over. Jim's friend Erik came over to watch Rockets and so I invited Nadia over. We ate pizza (bad), cookies, and ice cream (triple bad). You will notice this is my "fat week". When I say "fat week" it's about 10 days before I start and I'm extremely hungry and tired. Not a good combo.

Thursday was just work. Went home and finally went to bed early! I went to bed late every night and I have been exhausted.

Friday. Work then girls night at Houlihans with my friend Frances and Jacque. We had fun but by the time I got home I was so tired I barely brushed my teeth and took off my makeup before I passed out. Thankfully I remembered to look up where I would be driving Saturday for my friend Shalaine's baby shower. I realized it was gonna take me about 2 hours to get to the shower. So I had to set my alarm early.

Saturday I woke up at 7am!!!! Yes on my day off! The things I do for my friends. I showered, dressed and was out the door by 9am. I make a quick stop at target then I was off to the big city of York Town. Haha if you have ever been there you get I'm being sarcastic. Her shower was SO adorable. Theme was "trucks & tractors" and yellow and blue. I shared a few pics below. It was adorable.

Oh I also got 2 dresses this week from Kiki La'Rue. I will leave you with a pic of one. The other was returned because I got the wrong dress, but they made it right and I'll have it early next week. If you haven't heard of Kiki La'Rue go to the website right now EVERYTHING is adorable!! I'm totally addicted!

Until next time...


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Crafty and Creative

Today I decided against going into the office on my day off. I realized it's important to actually enjoy my weekend. (For my own sanity).

I woke up around 7:30 and had my coffee and caught up with Instagram and Facebook. Isn't it weird how we check social media like our parents read the newspaper? Lol

Last night my husband hung our new curtains! So I had to include a picture for y'all. I'm sorry you have to scroll down when I post from the app because I don't get to position pics. We moved into our new place 3/21/13 and it's already starting to come together. The main colors in the living are going to be blues but I will add yellow accents and maybe a rusty red. I'm not 100% but that's what I'm thinking right now. We also bought 2 throw pillows and a doormat. Jim and I both agree a doormat makes your place more inviting. Actually Jim said it means "we're open for business". Lol

I've wanted to make a spring wreath for a few weeks but needed to wait until we were more settled. Today seemed like as good a day as ever. Besides light housework I didn't have anything planned. I browsed Pinterest looked at tons of wreaths and found one I liked. On my way to hobby lobby I started thinking I wanted to try and make this wreath for $20 dollars or less. My original idea was to use hydrangea flowers or Peonies but then I remember seeing paper flowers that look like Peonies. The Peonies were made out of coffee filters. So on my drive (I know not safe but I waited until I was at a red light) I googled "how to make a flower out of a coffee filter". I found this site it gives you a step by step how to make the flowers. Easy as pie! Best part is you can make a ton of flowers for $1.

I got to Hobby Lobby and found a wreath I liked. I decided to go with one made out of dried tree branches. I'm sure it has a technical name but I'm unaware of it. It was the most expensive thing I had to buy ($6.99 ) with my 40% off coupon I paid under 5 bucks. :) Next I had to buy the numbers to display my apartment number. I paid $1.49 each (I needed 4). The numbers were wooden and unpainted so I picked up 2 bottles of paint for $.77 each. I went with navy blue and mustard yellow. I also picked up burlap ribbon in yellow for $5.99 (it was several feet). I already had paint brushes and sponges and a door wreath hanger but you can buy them for $2-3 at Hobby Lobby. I also already had coffee filters. If you aren't a coffee drinker just got to A dollar store because they are $1 for like 200.

The first thing I did was paint the numbers because I knew they would need time to dry. I thought polka for burlap ribbon would look better so I rolled out my yellow burlap ribbon and used a circle sponge to make navy blue polka dots using some if the paint I bought for the letters. I then painted some designs on 2 of the letters. I now realize I should have painted designs on only one of the colors. I would have preferred it to be solid, design, solid, design. Oops. While everything was drying I created my coffee filter peonies. If you need a tutorial use the link I mentioned earlier. Super easy. It takes about 5 filters to make one flower.

Once I was done with my flowers (I think I made 6) I arranged the letters and flowers to my liking and used my handy dandy hot glue gun to keep everything in place. Last was to tie the ribbon and hang it up. :)

I was pretty happy with the end result. I hope you like it. I'll post a few pics so you can get an idea of how everything progressed.

All in all I had a relaxing day off but still made time for things I enjoy. I'm actually in the process of making cake pops for tomorrow's bake sale so I better get to that because its getting late.



Friday, April 19, 2013

What a Week.

Okay so my busy season at work has started so its hard to find time to update this blog. My posts may become a little less frequent. I apologize but there are only so many hours in a day.

This week has been a week of horrible events. My last post was about Boston, but Wednesday night a fertilizer plant exploded in the small city of West Texas. Many injuries and deaths. Nursing homes, apartments, schools damaged. Another unexpected event.

It just really reminds me that life is a vapor. We are only here for a short time, we need to make the most of it. Love one another, take the time to tell and show people how much you care. Don't sweat the small stuff and make amends and forgive.

Make time! I think making time for things is something I personally struggle with. Especially now and for the next few months at work it's so busy, by the time I get home I just want to do nothing. I spend a lot of weekends on my days off at the office and I miss out on time with friends and family. Things get put on the back burner. My goal is to do better.

Okay a little subject change. Jim and I worked out together on Monday night and I have to admit its fun. I actually enjoy weight lifting. I used to really shy away from it. After we did "upper" body we decided to do 15 mins of cardio. I was a little worried because it has been a while since I did any running or jogging. But it was easy for me, although I didn't run fast. It was a slow jog but I jogged the entire time. I was proud of myself.

I did have a set back my husband was trying to be sweet and make me happy and he brought Ben and Jerry's ice cream home. I had a stressful day and ate way too much (yesterday). I had to tell him not to reward me with food or buy those type of things. Especially Ice Cream with I LOVE. I told Jim If we want it on occasion we can go out for ice cream. When I am stressed I tend to binge eat. This time last year is when I really packed on the pounds. I'm so scared that I will undue all of my hard work. Im just trying to do everything I can to set my self up for success. I'm aware of my struggles and short comings so I hoping that will help me through these next few months. I also need to really turn to exercise for stress relief instead of Ben and Jerry. Lol

I will leave you with some pics from this week. Enjoy.



Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Yesterday I was extremely busy at work so I was pretty oblivious to the tragedy of what occurred in Boston until I got home around 6. I actually remember hearing K Love say a prayer for something but I was not really listening because I was thinking of a thousands things. I now realize they were praying for Boston.

My husband texted me around 4:30 to ask me if I was aware of what happened. (He knows I hate watching the news). I didn't see his text until I got home so I was even more interested to know what I had missed. I turned on the news and watched as they replayed the nightmare. 2 bombs went off at the finish line of the Boston marathon. So far last I checked 3 people were killed, a number of people in serious condition. I believe the numbed of people injured is over 130 now. Among the 3 people killed was a 8 year old. It really breaks my heart.

It makes me so sick. Why is this happening here. I hate it. It makes me worried and afraid. I know if it's my time, it's my time, but this world is becoming so dark. This is a time more than ever to be a close and strong nation. We need Jesus. I don't know anyone personally that was in the area or hurt in this incident, but it affects us all. We need to remember to pray, not only for ourselves, but our country, our military, and wether you agree with him or not our president.

To whoever is responsible, your sins will be found out, and you will pay for the acts committed against all these innocent people.

To the city of Boston my heart is so heavy for you. You will be in my prayers.
I pray for peace and strength. Know that the rest of the country stands behind you and we will get through this.



Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Recap and Monday Blues

My weekend was nothing to brag about. Friday night we watched TV, made dinner and relaxed. Jimmie normally works late on Fridays so it's not date night or anything special. If anything I visit with my sister in law and nieces or do girls night.

Most Saturday's my husband works and my work flow is really getting heavy. My peak season at work starts 4/25 thru the end of July. I basically have to do 5-6 times my normal workload each month thru July. It's crazy and stresses me out. This time last year is when I gained the most of my weight. I'm a stress eater. So I am doing everything I can now to relieve any stress that I can by getting ahead. So I decided I would go into work and get some work done while Jim was at work. I got a Starbucks and headed to work at around 11:30 and ended up staying until 4:00.

After work I made a late lunch or early dinner for Jimmie and I. I then cleaned for about an hour, I was just in a "get things find" mood. Jimmie wanted to play basket ball for his exercise so he went to do that. I decided I would do my "shred" DVD. It was a good workout. I have been slacking a bit on working out so I was glad I got a Saturday workout in. Then my husband and I watched some movies and relaxed and had a "chill" evening. It wasn't a pay day weekend so we didn't want to spend too much money and we are trying to be good about our budget and spending.

After a restless night I woke up weighed myself (i didn't lose weight this week). Boo, but if I'm honest i didn't eat great and only worked out twice so i wasn't shocked. we then ate breakfast, and headed to church. After church I was running low on time because I made plans to go see Disney on Ice with my family. Jimmie did not want to go and I didn't make him since tickets were $42. Don't get me wrong for where we sat $42 was not a lot but it was Disney Princesses on Ice and if Jim and I would have gone it would have set us back almost 100 with parking for something we both didn't enjoy.

I got to my brother's house about 1:30pm and we left at 2pm. The show started at 3:00pm and lasted about 2 hours. I enjoyed spending time with my nieces, mom, and brother and sis in law but I wasn't too impressed with the show. Not worth $42 if you ask me. Lol I ended up staying at my brothers house until about 8 visiting with them and my nieces. They are so cute! I love them so much.

When I got home I ate dinner and we watched Mad Men. I love Mad Men and I'm glad it finally started back up.

Monday......Monday ALWAYS comes too fast! I got to work and got busy. I had a pretty long "to-do" list and I wanted to get as much done as possible. I didn't finish my list but today was productive. I'm hoping tomorrow I really make a dent in my workload. You just never know how the day will go.

I'm currently just waiting on the hubby so we can work out. Arms and shoulders today (ughh)! My weakest muscles! Lol

I'll leave you with pictures from this weekend. :)



Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Struggle (Part 4)

Part 4 of 4. I will wrap it up in this post. Sorry for the delay but I have been extremely busy. lol I don't know why I say sorry I'm pretty sure no one besides me reads this blog.

So after the full physical I met with the doctor and nutritionist. We designed a program that would have me eating 1200 calories and limiting carbs. My doctor also prescribed me Phentermine to help with my appetite. The first month I believe I lost 15 or more pounds. I was so happy.

I was eating right, although I didn't stay on the exact diet the nutritionist gave me bc it was a little too strict on carb intake. I was making smarter choices and I started exercising 2-3 days a week. I started off just walking. After a few weeks I decided to start Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred.

The first workout, well lets just say I found out how out of shape and weak I was. I couldn't finish the video. I want to say it took my 3 or 4 times before I was able to make it through the DVD. If you are starting any workout plan even if it's hard PUSH yourself. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish. It gets easier, and as it did I would modify and add heavy weights. I was doing great and feeling good. All my clothes were getting loose and I even had to buy a bunch of new stuff.

I feel its important to explain that although I got prescribed a diet pill I did most my weight loss without it. I opted not to get HCG or B12 shots. I wanted this weight loss to be "All ME" as it possible because I didn't want to give all the credit to a "pill". I RARELY take Phentermine. I want to say I MAY take it MAYBE 10 days out of the month. It's normally during the time I PMS. Those 10 days are the worst for me. I want to eat everything! lol It was also important to me I not get hooked on any diet pill, or feel I had to take it I in order to lose.

It has been 7 months and as of last Sunday I have lost 46.7 lbs. I feel a million times better! I still struggle but it has gotten easier for me. I track my calories just about everyday. I use myfitnesspal and my username is ambermhughes87. I try to exercise often but with my life the most I have been able to commit is 3 days a week. I really would like to make it 5 days a week so hopefully I can work my way up to it very soon. My current weight is 168.8 I'm wearing a size 10.

My goal weight changes often. I try and give myself small goals, (about every 10 lbs). Once i meet a goal I always set another. My next goal is 160. Just 8.8 lbs a way. I would like to lose enough to be in a size 6 again. I think size 6 was when I was the healthiest and happiest and it was a manageable size for me. I'm excited to get there but I'm trying to stay focused on where I'm at now. It may take a year, but I don't care. Slow and steady is best. I'd rather take my time and keep the weight off, rather than lose all my weight super fast only to gain it back plus some.

I never want to go back to those days of 200's. I never want to skip hanging out with my friends or going on a date with my husband because my clothes don't fit.

Well I guess that's all I have for now. I'm so sick of writing. I leave you with some before and after pictures. I tried to put them in order from oldest to newest, but some are together so obviously the right side will be the most recent. Enjoy and if you wish leave me a comment .

